Friday, July 11, 2014

Is Salvation as Simple as ABC?

Is salvation as easy as “ABC”? The Southern Baptist Convention’s (SBC) plan of salvation is! Take a quick look at how this works.

I acknowledge I am a sinner in need of a Savior - this is to repent or turn away from sin
I believe in my heart that God raised Jesus from the dead - this is to trust that Jesus paid the full penalty for my sins
I confess Jesus as my Lord and my God - this is to surrender control of my life to Jesus
I receive Jesus as my Savior forever - this is to accept that God has done for me and in me what He promised

Sounds good, right… Easy peasy! Thousands of children are learning this plan all across our nation, and probably worldwide, in SBC’s Vacation Bible School this summer. There are even little jazzy songs, complete with hand motions, that teach this into the very heart of the young Baptists. It is known as the ABC’s of salvation and pastors, teachers and Baptist parents all over use it to “lead sinners to Jesus” through the “sinner’s prayer” or what is now being referred to as a “suggested prayer”.

I know this to be true because I used to teach it! I learned Baptist doctrine throughout my childhood and teen years and taught bible classes as ‘the preacher’s wife’ in several SBCs over the last 25 years and thought I was doing the Lord’s work. Now… after several months of prayer and supplication I understand that this simple plan not only falls short of the truth of God’s instruction, but is dangerous to the souls of our loved ones!

Let me illustrate how this ABC plan works outside of the walls of the Baptist Church. Let’s take a physical condition that most of us face in our daily lives as Americans. Let’s go on an ABC diet! I think that this type of diet will appeal to most of us.

ABC Diet

I acknowledge I am unhealthy and in need of a diet - this is to repent or turn away from junk food.
I believe in my heart that eating right and exercising is the only way to lose weight – I will trust that my body will respond to a healthy eating plan and will strengthen from my workouts.
I confess that I am now ‘on a diet’ – in this confession I will also clean out my kitchen and throw out the bad food and I might even go as far as going grocery shopping for the good stuff. I might even stop by the local gym and give them some money so I can have access to their facility.

I receive my new body! I will be slender and healthy forever. Amen.

As you can tell, this plan seems to be lacking some substance! There’s no true effort involved. Buying a gym membership is NOT the same thing as doing four 90 minute workouts a week… every week! Stocking the fridge with healthy food does no good if you are at McDonald’s every other day!

This might be a great STARTING PLACE in your diet, but it does not replace the everyday work that will be involved in a truly successful diet! The same wording of the SBC’s ABC plan of salvation is just the same. It is a good start, a turning of the mind and heart, but it will not ensure salvation. The very real fact is that Baptist ministers promise that it does! I want to scream from the rooftops to stop teaching and promising this. But… who would listen? This, my Christian friends, is why it is so difficult to witness to a Baptist. This is instilled into little hearts and minds from the cradle.

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