Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Ever Wonder What Other People Think?

This might be more of a rant than an encouragement... but I will try to lean to the positive! Yesterday I wasn't feeling very social but I attempted to push through it by stopping by a couple of our local stores. (small town dollar store and hardware store) I sometimes go through phases of semi depression especially when I've been inactive, such as the life of a teacher on summer vacation. I realized that I needed a project. I need to be industrious and feel a sense of accomplishment to balance myself. In addition to this physically non productive state that I've been in lately, I've been very cranial and internal. This very blog is the product of my deep contemplation on things that are biblical and Godly. I've spent the better part of the last month in bible study and thinking on how I should approach people in order to share the gospel.

No, bible study and prayer doesn't depress me. :) But... I am an introvert and the more time I spend alone the less I want to get out among people. The more I sit and read, the more I want to sit and read! I was at the point of needing to break out of that robe/coffee cup/laptop mode that I was in and DO something! That was what was on my mind when I went to town yesterday. At the same time I didn't want to go. Sometimes it takes a lot of effort to relate to people... even people that I know.

 So... I walk into hardware store and made a right turn into the first paint aisle. I wasn't there for a full minute until I felt the presence of someone quickly approaching. The following exchange didn't take 20 seconds, but it has made me think for over 24 hours now!

Man: Everybody's painting today! (loud and boisterous)
Me: I guess it's a good day to paint. (small voice)
Man: (can't really remember what he said here - something about painting for awhile or getting tired of it)
Me: I'm looking for a project. (in an attempt to not be rude and allow exchange to die on my part)
Man: HA HA HA!!! You just come to MY church.... We have all kinds of projects you could do.
Me: (I let the exchange die.)

I immediately went a couple aisles over to wait and see where the man would go next Yes, I was trying a avoid him! I heard him visit with the cashier and when she asked if he wanted his purchases on a ticket he loudly and proudly announced " _______ _______ CHURCH" loud enough to be heard in the back of the store. I didn't know the man, but I deduced that he was the new pastor at the prominent denominational church in town.  I was sick to my stomach and wanted him to leave. He doesn't know me from Adam (well, Eve) and I could be lost and headed for hell for all he knows! I could be in deep mourning for someone. I could be all kinds of hurting and searching.... but he didn't even stop to think what I meant by 'needing a project'. I'm still shaking my head over this one!

Christians need to be careful in all of their interpersonal exchanges, even casual ones! This man left me without words, but now I have this overwhelming feeling that HOW we talk to people is so very crucial! I am not a prospect for HIS church, but what if I were? He would have lost me in that little 20 second offhanded conversation! In ALL that we do, we need to be careful and concerned for others. Our approach, even before we know the spiritual condition of a person should be respectful and kind. There's a real need for humbleness so when we are in a situation that we are't running people over with our mouths and attitudes.

Not that everyone we talk to are frightened little birds... but in reality... some are indeed frightened little birds! I felt stomped upon yesterday and that man will never know. How many times have I been guilty of that very thing? In Philippians 2:3 Paul says, " Do nothing from rivalry or conceit, but in humility count others more significant of yourself." Yes, this is speaking about relationships within the church, but aren't we to seek and find people to add to the church. We certainly can't add to the church if we are stomping on them before we get them there! Jesus warns us to be careful of our words in Matthew 12:36-37.

In closing I want to encourage all of us to remain humble and to be careful of our words so that the Lord is blessed and gets the glory of another soul being added to His church! How wonderful it would be to know that my kind words provoked a stranger toward Jesus!

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